• In which famous location do people in New York City celebrate New Year's Eve?
    - Times Sqare / comments /

  • What are the ingradients of a traditional American Thanksgiving dinner?
    - Turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie / comments /

  • What do the term "melting pot" and "salad bowl" mean to US society and culture?
    - That the USA is a country of immigrants who work together as Americans while retaining their ethnic identities

  • Which American artist painted portraits of outstanding historical leaders and scenes of important historical events, including "The Declaration of Independence" and three famous portraits of George Washington?
    - John Trumbull / comments /

  • Who is the American composer who wrote West Side Story?
    - Leonard Berstein / comments /

  • Which sport is considered to be the national pastime of America?
    - Baseball / comments /

  • Give the name of the most famous American chess player of our time.
    - Bobby Fischer / comments /
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