Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the Queen since 1837. It is situated in St. James's Park. It is a big grey stone building with a flag over it. If the Queen's flag flies over the Palace, it means that the Queen is in residence. When the Queen is not in London, the flag is taken down and replaced with the ordinary Union Jack.
In front of the Palace one can see the Victoria Memorial.The memorial includes the large marble statue of Victoria, the first monarch to reside at Buckingham Palace, and the glittering figures of Victory, Courage and Constancy on the top. The statue of Queen Victoria faces the Mall, a wide tree-lined avenue, running through St. James's Park from Buckingham Palace to Trafalgar Square.The other sides of the monument have bronze statues of the Angel of Justice (facing Green Park), the Angel of Truth (facing south-eastwards) and Charity facing Buckingham Palace.
Buckingham Palace attracts tourists' attention by daily changing of the Guard.

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